
Friday, April 28, 2017

How to use Azure Relay WCF relays with .NET

How to use Azure Relay WCF relays with .NET

This article describes how to use the Service Bus Relay service. The samples are written in C# and use the Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) API with extensions contained in the Service Bus assembly. For more information about the Service Bus relay, see the Azure Relay overview.


To complete this tutorial, you need an Azure account. You can activate your MSDN subscriber benefits or sign up for a free account.

What is Service Bus WCF Relay?

The Azure Service Bus WCF Relay service enables you to build hybrid applications that run in both an Azure datacenter and your own on-premises enterprise environment. The Service Bus relay facilitates this by enabling you to securely expose Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) services that reside within a corporate enterprise network to the public cloud, without having to open a firewall connection, or requiring intrusive changes to a corporate network infrastructure.

Service Bus Relay enables you to host WCF services within your existing enterprise environment. You can then delegate listening for incoming sessions and requests to these WCF services to the Service Bus service running within Azure. This enables you to expose these services to application code running in Azure, or to mobile workers or extranet partner environments. Service Bus enables you to securely control who can access these services at a fine-grained level. It provides a powerful and secure way to expose application functionality and data from your existing enterprise solutions and take advantage of it from the cloud.

This article discusses how to use Service Bus Relay to create a WCF web service, exposed using a TCP channel binding, that implements a secure conversation between two parties.

Create a service namespace

To begin using Service Bus queues in Azure, you must first create a namespace. A namespace provides a scoping container for addressing Service Bus resources within your application.

To create a namespace:

1.      Log on to the Azure portal.

2.      In the left navigation pane of the portal, click New, then click Enterprise Integration, and then click Service Bus.

3.      In the Create namespace dialog, enter a namespace name. The system immediately checks to see if the name is available.

4.      After making sure the namespace name is available, choose the pricing tier (Basic, Standard, or Premium).

5.      In the Subscription field, choose an Azure subscription in which to create the namespace.

6.      In the Resource group field, choose an existing resource group in which the namespace will live, or create a new one.

7.     In Location, choose the country or region in which your namespace should be hosted.

8.      Click Create. The system now creates your namespace and enables it. You might have to wait several minutes as the system provisions resources for your account.

Obtain the management credentials

1.      In the list of namespaces, click the newly created namespace name.

2.      In the namespace blade, click Shared access policies.

3.     In the Shared access policies blade, click RootManageSharedAccessKey.

4.     In the Policy: RootManageSharedAccessKey blade, click the copy button next to Connection string–primary key, to copy the connection string to your clipboard for later use. Paste this value into Notepad or some other temporary location.

5.     Repeat the previous step, copying and pasting the value of Primary key to a temporary location for later use.

Get the Service Bus NuGet package

The Service Bus NuGet package is the easiest way to get the Service Bus API and to configure your application with all of the Service Bus dependencies. To install the NuGet package in your project, do the following:

1.      In Solution Explorer, right-click References, then click Manage NuGet Packages.

2.     Search for "Service Bus" and select the Microsoft Azure Service Bus item. Click Install to complete the installation, then close the following dialog box:

Use Service Bus to expose and consume a SOAP web service with TCP

To expose an existing WCF SOAP web service for external consumption, you must make changes to the service bindings and addresses. This may require changes to your configuration file or it could require code changes, depending on how you have set up and configured your WCF services. Note that WCF allows you to have multiple network endpoints over the same service, so you can retain the existing internal endpoints while adding Service Bus endpoints for external access at the same time.

In this task, you will build a simple WCF service and add a Service Bus listener to it. This exercise assumes some familiarity with Visual Studio, and therefore does not walk through all the details of creating a project. Instead, it focuses on the code.

Before starting these steps, complete the following procedure to set up your environment:

1.      Within Visual Studio, create a console application that contains two projects, "Client" and "Service", within the solution.

2.      Add the Microsoft Azure Service Bus NuGet package to both projects. This package adds all the necessary assembly references to your projects.

How to create the service

First, create the service itself. Any WCF service consists of at least three distinct parts:

·        Definition of a contract that describes what messages are exchanged and what operations are to be invoked.

·        Implementation of said contract.

·        Host that hosts the WCF service and exposes several endpoints.

The code examples in this section address each of these components.

The contract defines a single operation, AddNumbers, that adds two numbers and returns the result. The IProblemSolverChannel interface enables the client to more easily manage the proxy lifetime. Creating such an interface is considered a best practice. It's a good idea to put this contract definition into a separate file so that you can reference that file from both your "Client" and "Service" projects, but you can also copy the code into both projects.

C# Copy

using System.ServiceModel;
[ServiceContract(Namespace = "urn:ps")]
interface IProblemSolver
    int AddNumbers(int a, int b);
interface IProblemSolverChannel : IProblemSolver, IClientChannel {}

With the contract in place, the implementation is trivial.

C# Copy

class ProblemSolver : IProblemSolver
    public int AddNumbers(int a, int b)
        return a + b;

Configure a service host programmatically

With the contract and implementation in place, you can now host the service. Hosting occurs inside aSystem.ServiceModel.ServiceHost object, which takes care of managing instances of the service and hosts the endpoints that listen for messages. The following code configures the service with both a regular local endpoint and a Service Bus endpoint to illustrate the appearance, side by side, of internal and external endpoints. Replace the string namespace with your namespace name and yourKey with the SAS key that you obtained in the previous setup step.

C# Copy

ServiceHost sh = new ServiceHost(typeof(ProblemSolver));
   typeof (IProblemSolver), new NetTcpBinding(),
   typeof(IProblemSolver), new NetTcpRelayBinding(),
   ServiceBusEnvironment.CreateServiceUri("sb", "namespace", "solver"))
    .Behaviors.Add(new TransportClientEndpointBehavior {
          TokenProvider = TokenProvider.CreateSharedAccessSignatureTokenProvider("RootManageSharedAccessKey", "<yourKey>")});
Console.WriteLine("Press ENTER to close");

In the example, you create two endpoints that are on the same contract implementation. One is local and one is projected through Service Bus. The key differences between them are the bindings; NetTcpBinding for the local one and NetTcpRelayBinding for the Service Bus endpoint and the addresses. The local endpoint has a local network address with a distinct port. The Service Bus endpoint has an endpoint address composed of the string sb, your namespace name, and the path "solver." This results in the URI sb://[serviceNamespace], identifying the service endpoint as a Service Bus TCP endpoint with a fully qualified external DNS name. If you place the code replacing the placeholders into the Main function of the Service application, you will have a functional service. If you want your service to listen exclusively on Service Bus, remove the local endpoint declaration.

Configure a service host in the App.config file

You can also configure the host using the App.config file. The service hosting code in this case appears in the next example.

C# Copy

ServiceHost sh = new ServiceHost(typeof(ProblemSolver));
Console.WriteLine("Press ENTER to close");

The endpoint definitions move into the App.config file. The NuGet package has already added a range of definitions to the App.config file, which are the required configuration extensions for Service Bus. The following example, which is the exact equivalent of the previous code, should appear directly beneath the system.serviceModel element. This code example assumes that your project C# namespace is named Service. Replace the placeholders with your Service Bus service namespace and SAS key.

XML Copy

    <service name="Service.ProblemSolver">
        <endpoint contract="Service.IProblemSolver"
        <endpoint contract="Service.IProblemSolver"
        <behavior name="sbTokenProvider">
                    <sharedAccessSignature keyName="RootManageSharedAccessKey" key="<yourKey>" />

After you make these changes, the service starts as it did before, but with two live endpoints: one local and one listening in the cloud.

Create the client

Configure a client programmatically

To consume the service, you can construct a WCF client using a ChannelFactory object. Service Bus uses a token-based security model implemented using SAS. The TokenProvider class represents a security token provider with built-in factory methods that return some well-known token providers. The following example uses the CreateSharedAccessSignatureTokenProvider method to handle the acquisition of the appropriate SAS token. The name and key are those obtained from the portal as described in the previous section.

First, reference or copy the IProblemSolver contract code from the service into your client project.

Then, replace the code in the Main method of the client, again replacing the placeholder text with your Service Bus namespace and SAS key.

C# Copy

var cf = new ChannelFactory<IProblemSolverChannel>(
    new NetTcpRelayBinding(),
    new EndpointAddress(ServiceBusEnvironment.CreateServiceUri("sb", "namespace", "solver")));
cf.Endpoint.Behaviors.Add(new TransportClientEndpointBehavior
            { TokenProvider = TokenProvider.CreateSharedAccessSignatureTokenProvider("RootManageSharedAccessKey","<yourKey>") });
using (var ch = cf.CreateChannel())
    Console.WriteLine(ch.AddNumbers(4, 5));

You can now build the client and the service, run them (run the service first), and the client calls the service and prints 9. You can run the client and server on different machines, even across networks, and the communication will still work. The client code can also run in the cloud or locally.

Configure a client in the App.config file

The following code shows how to configure the client using the App.config file.

C# Copy

var cf = new ChannelFactory<IProblemSolverChannel>("solver");
using (var ch = cf.CreateChannel())
    Console.WriteLine(ch.AddNumbers(4, 5));

The endpoint definitions move into the App.config file. The following example, which is the same as the code listed previously, should appear directly beneath the <system.serviceModel> element. Here, as before, you must replace the placeholders with your Service Bus namespace and SAS key.

XML Copy

    <endpoint name="solver" contract="Service.IProblemSolver"
        <behavior name="sbTokenProvider">
                    <sharedAccessSignature keyName="RootManageSharedAccessKey" key="<yourKey>" />





Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Why Good Employees Quit

Ever had an incredible employee, and thought, “This is the one!”  They were smart, engaged, driven, and seemed to really love the job.  You thought, “We’re going to be together forever!” You could really see yourself promoting this person, mentoring them, watching them climb the ranks in your company…

And then one day, they quit.

They might give you the, “It’s not you, it’s me…” speech, but what does it actually mean?

Here are some reasons employees might quit a job (even one they love) — and what you can do to prevent it.

No respect

There’s an old saying that employees don’t leave a company, they leave a manager. No matter how much you like, respect, or appreciate an employee, if they don’t know it, they may leave. Make sure your interactions with employees are always respectful, and that you look for ways to actively value their contribution.

No vision

You or the CEO may have a vision for where the company is going — but do all your employees? Some of the most successful companies are able to attract and retain great employees because they are great at communicating their vision all the way from the top down to the front-line workers. (And don’t confuse vision with financials; it needs to be bigger than that, especially if the employee in question doesn’t have stock options!)

No future

Have you outlined a clear path for advancement for your best employees?  Or are they looking at a dead-end job? They might be the best cashier / phone operator / junior undersecretary you’ve ever had, but that doesn’t mean they want to stay in that position forever. It pays to get to know your employee’s goals and help them see how they can achieve them within your company.

No equality

No one wants to stick around in a workplace that doesn’t treat them fairly. Do a quick gut-check: Are you paying women less than men? How about minorities? Younger workers in particular are not willing to stick around at a company that is racist, sexist, ageist, or otherwise discriminatory in any way.

No morale

Even if a particular employee is positive and energetic, it is draining to be surrounded by people with low morale. Team identity and unity may be key to engaging and retaining those great employees you want. When everyone else is unhappy and not putting in a good effort, no one wants to work there.

No challenge or autonomy

If you aren’t providing the opportunity for challenging, engaging work, you’re naturally going to lose those employees who want to be challenged or have a certain measure of autonomy over their work and lives. Few people are happy being micromanaged or simply toeing the company line when they have ideas for innovation. No one wants to feel infantilized or that they aren’t trusted to make the most basic decisions in their work. People want the opportunity to be the expert in their own job.

So what’s the solution? How can you prevent that perfect employee from jumping ship?

Practice actively listening and engaging with all your employees on a regular basis.  One idea is to implement stay interviews (instead of exit interviews) to ask your current employees why they stay with the company. It helps to build a strong level of trust and engagement with employees when they are allowed to bring both their goals and their concerns to a manager — before it’s too late to identify and solve the problems.

What do you think? What can managers do to help retain their best employees? I’d be interested in reading your contributions in the comments below.


Thoughts for Testing

 would believe, without any evidence, that a majority of the test community and product development companies have matured in their view on testing. At conferences you less frequently see the argumentation that testing is not needed. From my own experience and perceiving the local market, there is often new assignments for testers. Many companies try to hire testers or get in new consulting testers. At least looking back a few years and up until now.

At many companies there is an ever increasing focus and interest in Continuous Deployment. Sadly, I see troublesome strategies for testing in many organisations. Some companies intend to focus fully on automation, even letting go of their so called manual testers. Other companies focus on automation by not accepting testers to actually test and explore. This troubles me. Haven’t testers been involved in the test strategy? Here are few of my pointers, arguments and reasoning.

Automation Snake oil
In 1999 James Bach wrote the article Automation Snake Oil [see reference 1], where he brings up a thoughtful list of arguments and traps to be avoided. Close to 17 years later, we see the same problems. In many cases they have increased because of the Continuous Deployment ideas, but also because of those from Agile development. That is, if you ignore all the new ideas gained in the test domain as well as all research done.
The miracle status of automation is not a new phenomenon, together with the lure of saving time and cost it is seducing. In some cases it will probably be true, but it is not a replacement of thinking people. Instead it could be an enabler for speed and quality.

Testing vs. Checking
In 2009, Michael Bolton wrote an article that clarified a distinction between Testing and Checking. Since then the definition has evolved. The latest article Testing vs. Checking Refined [see reference 2] is the last in the series. Most of the testers I know and that I debate with are aware of this concept and agree with the difference or acknowledge the concept.

If you produce test strategies in a CI-environment that put an emphasis on automation, and if it means mostly doing checking and almost no testing (as in exploration), then you won’t find the unexpected. Good testing include both.

Furthermore when developing a new feature, are you focusing on automating checks fulfilling the acceptance criteria or do you try to find things that have not been considered by the team? If you define the acceptance criteria, then only check if that is fulfilled. It will only enable you to reach a small part of the way toward good quality. You might be really happy how fast it goes to develop and check (not test) the functionality. You might even be happy that you can repeat the same tests over and over. But I guess you failed to run that one little test that would have identified the most valuable thing.

Many years ago a tester came to me with a problem. He said, “We have 16000 automated tests, still our customers have problems and we do not find their problems”. I told him that he might need to change strategy and focus more on exploration. Several years later another tester came to me with the same problem, from the same product and projects. He said, “We have 24000 automated tests, still our customers have problems and we do not find their problems!”. I was a bit surprised that the persistence in following the same strategy for automation while at the same time expecting a different outcome.

In a recent argument with a development manager and Continuous Deployment enthusiast. They explained their strategy and emphasis on automation. They put little focus on testing and exploration. Mostly hiring developers who needed to automate tests (or rather checks). I asked how they do their test design? How do they know what they need to test? One of my arguments was that they limited their test effort based on what could be automated.

We know that there is an infinite amount of tests. If you have done some research, you have an idea what different stakeholders value and what they are afraid will happen. If that is so, then you have an idea what tests would be valuable to do or which areas you wish to explore. Out of all those tests, you probably only want to run part of these tests only once, where you want to investigate something that might be a problem, learn more about the systems behavior or try a specific, very difficult setup or configuration of the system. This is not something that you would want to automate because it is too costly and it is enough to learn about it just once, as far as you know. There are probably other tests that you want to repeat, but most probably with variation in new dimensions, and do more often. It could be tests that focus on specific risks or functionality that must work at all times. Out of all those that you actually want to test several times, a part of those you plan and want to automate. Out of those that you have planned to automate, only a fraction can be automated. Since automation takes a long time and is difficult, you have probably only automated a small part of those.

If you are a stakeholder, how can you consider this to be ok?

Rikard Edgren visualized the concept of what is important and what you should be in focus in a blog post called “In search of the potato” [see reference 3].

His main points are that the valuable and important is not only in the specification or requirements, you need to go beyond that.

Another explanation around the same concept of the potato is that of mapping the information space by knowns and unknowns.

The majority of test automation focus on checking an aspect of the system. You probably want to make repeatable tests on things that you know or think you know, thus the Known Knowns. In making this repeatable checking you will probably save time in finding things that you thought you knew, but that might change over time by evolving the system, thus evaluating the Unknown Knowns. In this area you can specify what you expect, would a correct result would be. With limitation on the Oracle problem, more on that below.

If you are looking beyond the specification and the explicit, you will identify things that you want to explore and want to learn more about. Areas for exploration, specific risks or just an idea you wish to understand. This is the Known Unknowns. You cannot clearly state your expectations before investigating here. You cannot, for the most part, automate the Known Unknowns.

While exploring/testing, while checking or while doing anything with the system, you will find new things that no one so far had thought of, thus things that fall into the Unknown Unknowns. Through serendipity you find something surprisingly valuable. You rarely automate serendipity.

You most probably dwell in the known areas for test automation. Would it be ok to ignore things that are valuable that you do not know of until you have spent enough time testing or exploring?

The Oracle Problem
A problem that is probably unsolvable, is that there are none (or at least very few) perfect or true oracles [see reference 4, 5, 6].

A “True oracle” faithfully reproduces all relevant results for a SUT using independent platform, algorithms, processes, compilers, code, etc. The same values are fed to the SUT and the Oracle for results comparison. The Oracle for an algorithm or subroutine can be straightforward enough for this type of oracle to be considered. The sin() function, for example, can be implemented separately using different algorithms and the results compared to exhaustively test the results (assuming the availability of sufficient machine cycles). For a given test case all values input to the SUT are verified to be “correct” using the Oracle’s separate algorithm. The less the SUT has in common with the Oracle, the more confidence in the correctness of the results (since common hardware, compilers, operating systems, algorithms, etc., may inject errors that effect both the SUT and Oracle the same way). Test cases employing a true oracle are usually limited by available machine time and system resources.
Quote from Douglas Hoffman in A taxonomy of Test Oracles [see reference 6].

Here is a the traditional view of a system under test is like the figure 1 below.

In reality, the situation is much more complex, see figure 2 below.

This means that we might have a rough idea about the initial state and the test inputs, but not full control of all surrounding states and inputs. We get a result of a test that can only give an indication that something is somewhat right or correct. The thing we check can be correct, but everything around it that we do not check or verify can be utterly wrong.

So when we are saying that we want to automate everything, we are also saying that we put our trust in something that is lacking perfect oracles.

With this in mind, do we want our end-users to get a system that could work sometimes?

Spec Checking and Bug Blindness

In an article from 2011, Ian McCowatt expresses his view on A Universe of behavior connected to Needed, Implemented and Specified based on the book Software Testing: A Craftsman’s Approach” by Paul Jorgensen.

For automation, I would expect that focus would be on area 5 and 6. But what about unimplemented specifications in area 2 and 3? Or unfullfilled needs in area 1 and 2? Or unexpected behaviors in area 4 and 7? Partly undesired behaviors will be covered in area 6 and 7, but enough?

As a stakeholders, do you think it is ok to limit the overall test effort to where automation is possible?

Concluding thoughts

It seems like we have been repeating the same things for a long time. This article is for those of you who are still fighting battles against strategies for testing which state automate everything.